Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 5 - September 1, 2009

Did not do Yoga this morning; today is the first day my company will not allow smoking on company premises. Since I usually smoke during my break and lunch, I'm going to walk around the building instead. If I walk both breaks and part of my lunch, I should get at least 30 minutes or more. Last night I smoked what I hope will be my last cigarette. Since I can't smoke at work, I'm going to try going back to my e-cigarette in the car and at night. It'll make it much easier to exercise, and of course, make me healthier.

I still have a little bit of knee tenderness this morning, and my lower back is sore if I don't sit nice and straight. I'm actually looking forward to my walks at work today; I have an app on my iPhone called iMapMyRide that will track how long, fast and far I've walked. I'm hoping to post the results on here. And some extra motivation: my cousin is motivated by my determination, and her motivation motivates me to work out each day! It's awesome how infectious the desire to exercise can be! Now, if only I can keep this motivation going; it's only been 5 days.

On the drive to work, I noticed that the front of my right thigh is a bit sore, more noticeably when I moved my foot from the gas pedal to the brake. My left thigh is also sore. And while I'm enjoying the benefits my skin is getting from drinking all this water, I'm visiting the ladies room a lot more often. Just about every 1 1/2 hours I have to "go." Kind of annoying, and I'm hoping that will go away eventually.

9:00 AM "Kirkland Signature" weight loss shake for breakfast

12:53 PM Remainder of Chipotle leftovers

7:00 PM Garlic Chicken Pasta with carrots, corn and broccoli

In General: 90 oz of water

The problem with ecigarettes is they need power. I think the heat affected the battery on mine today; I only got to use it twice before it died on me. So, at 10:20 PM, I'm using 2mg Nicorette to keep this craving at bay; I'm used to having 2 cigarettes right after I tuck my daughter in bed.

Walked three times at work today. I've been using the iMapMyRide app on my iPhone; seems to work well. Now I just need to create a playlist on my iTunes so I can keep up the right pace. Take a look at the map below to see an example of where I walk.

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